Ok, so this poor guest room, has been rearranged, moved, zhushed, and it still wasn't singing to me. In fact it was making me hate the curtains, hate the bed, well not like anything. But, I didn't want to spend any money on it. I will be refinishing the bed eventually. But in the meantime, yuk.

No to do some pillow recovering. (The blue ones on the side need to be animal print.) All in good time. Also, rearranging the office and the tutu desk (pics another day). Still loving my tutu desk.
I was cleaning out my day planner and ran across this comforter card. I have this comforter, it used to be on my daughter's bed and she had a brown wall, and I loved it. In fact, I was going to cut it and make the comforter into chaise lounge cushions. Seeing this pic reminded me of how much I loved it in that room. Sooooo......
I put it on the bed. Love it. It is a full-queen, so when not tucked it just graces the floor on both sides, but, really, we don't have that many visitors. And--cost----nothing!!! It totally makes me smile, and I don't mind the curtains as much now. It also reminds me of my daughter, which always makes me smile.
Then later in the day, I was still rearranging and decided to put this shelf as the nightstand.
Now, which do I like better. The shelf or the ottoman? Decisions --decisions.
No to do some pillow recovering. (The blue ones on the side need to be animal print.) All in good time. Also, rearranging the office and the tutu desk (pics another day). Still loving my tutu desk.
Happy Monday.
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