Getting ready for the Holidays, and really wishing I had time to do more projects. I am so behind on so many. But, I am getting caught up on Etsy and Ebay, so that is good. Anyway, a few great images to wet your appetite.
I love the look of built-ins. I need to find somewhere to do this. I know I can build this. Anyone? I see this in gray. You?

I love the 2 tables lined up, dining, gaming, homework. I think I should find somewhere to do this too.

Wine room. Project in process, for a very long time. Love these shelves. I saw this post where they built these in their basement. I know I can build these.

Leave it to Potterybarn, love it. Again, I am building some shelves.

Learning to sew, and relearning Spanish. I love this ottoman. Potterybarn of course.

My large ottoman below. I may have to make a cover for it. Leather furniture is cold during the winter months. I always sit on my red throw. Anyway, that room is looking a little sad, so maybe sewing a cover for the ottoman would pep it up. Now about the Johnny Pole, HELP.

Another view. We are always laying on the red throw, because the furniture is cold. And, side note, the chairs look way tooooooo red with the flash on. But, oh well, you get the idea.

Tweaking the guest room. I should have put in a bigger bed. But, I have always wanted to use this sleigh bed, so now contemplating.

My front room. Love this room. I love the brown on brown pillows, and it is just so cozy.

Holidays are coming fast. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Haha.
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