Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Painted Steps - Brick Red

Finally checking off some tasks on my to-do list.  A few years ago before our Lhaso Apso passed away, we painted these steps in a brown and white, so it would be easier for the dog to see.  Yes, we are that kind of family, we loved our dog. 
Anyway, they were getting dirty and grungy, so I decided to paint them back to the brick red color they originally were. 
Before, I had started taping them off.  They join the old house to the newer additions.
In process, if you closely at the left side of the steps, you can see the brown showing thru.  That was my walking path while painting.

 Ta-Da.  Done.  Love them.
Projects?  Buehler?   Buehler?  Anyone?

Debate time. 


  1. Hi, this is the exact color I am looking for! Can you share the name of the paint color?

  2. Hi, this is the exact color I am looking for! Can you share the name of the paint color?
