We have had this furniture following us around for years. We use it and love it (hey, have you priced furniture). However, it was looking sad. So for a quick update. I painted it, yes, painted it copper. Metallic Copper. Love it. Oh, and I already owned the paint.
Super easy, fast, and looks great.
Next, a silver one for the front bedroom.
In process. See the copper on the side.
Another in process. That is how faded the wood got over the years. A little copper on the side. Already loving it.
Finito. Finished. Love.
We have a super weird tight smallish room. Mostly, you see it from the side, as you enter the room.
The paint I used. Let me tell you this 1 jar did this furniture, with some to spare. Love it.
It looks amazing.
Next on my list, the low boy in silver for the guest room.
Make it a great weekend.

What Martha color is that? Love the idea over regular paint.