Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goodwill Find - Gardening

Way too windy here to garden, and cold. Odd for the southwest. Anyway, doing above ground, to keep the ground squirrels at bay. They actually eat the roots and the plant falls over, then they dig these huge tunnels and when you water you sink 10" into the ground. Soooo, that is why so many posts on gardening, potager's etc. I have a large group of pots. However, being greedy, I want more garden, so I have a bit of concrete block in the back and may have to make use of it too. What are you doing this weekend? I do not know where the gardening pics are from sorry.
Found this great metal table at Goodwill. I am going to use it in my garden area, with a concrete top. Table less tha $15. Deal.


  1. Love the table. I'm doing a raised bed for the first time this season, but never thought to use concrete blocks!

  2. I just put my garden in today. I did raised pots, hopefully didn't overcrowd them. Can't wait to see yours.
