So, I have an old farmhouse table, circa 1980's. Yes, I have been carting it around that long, move after move. Now, here in the southwest, ie. New Mexico, many put these on their back portal (porch, lani), you name it. However, I have wicked spiders, and the Hubs likes to hose the portal (ours is huge) off and leave standing water, so not very effective for us. However, I do have 3 tables and 2 loungers, and a cooking area, (I said it was huge). So I have been using this farm table as a desk for many years. I like the large work surface 48"x30", but I hate the look for a desk, great table not a desk. So I decided to cover it with pleather. You know that stuff that looks and feels like leather, but easily washable. Well, I went white. I love it. I should have taken better before pics, I just have one of the underside of the wood. But, anyway, I digress, I just stretched the pleather over the table, and stapled. Loves it, as they say. Any projects you are working on?
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